After the end of the warranty period we will replace any server components, including the most expensive and obsolete ones, free of charge, but if you pay a small monthly subscription fee.
Our experienced technicians can take over the maintenance of the infrastructure. We provide additional technical support as part of the Remote hands service: hard disk and raid controller replacement on the server, network and firewall configuring, routing, assistance in troubleshooting, engineering works, installation works, software installation and configuring. Hourly or fixed fee per project.
CloudKleyer has the status of an official partner of DE-CIX, the world's largest Internet traffic exchange point. We can provide free peering as part of DE-CIX GlobePEER service.
As part of DE-CIX DirectCLOUD service we can organize a united direct digital connection to 50 largest clouds of the world, including AWS, Microsoft Azure Cloud, Google Cloud Platform, Oracle Cloud, and IBM Cloud. Direct access involves creation of a high-speed channel with the cloud server, isolated from the Internet and fully protected from DDoS attacks way. The ideal solution for integrating a corporate network with the public cloud.